Action Circles

Note: Under DevelopmentTools are not available at this time; please use this link to sign up or update your preferences.

We’re developing a new community tool to assist our members in moving into action, to begin to organize into local groups who can focus on specific places for building ecovillages and cohousing neighborhoods.

To get this going, we’ve created a set of pages where people can sign up, create and maintain a profile, and communicate with each other and the core team. Here’s how to use it:

Sign up

Become a member of the Ecovillage NJ Action Community. You can choose a screen name which will allow you to access your profile just by typing it in after[your screen name] in the address bar. Please also provide your real name.

Edit Your Profile

Here’s where you can enter your information, and decide if you want it to be available publicly or share it only with your friends.

View Your Profile

As it will appear to others, and as you’ll want to view it in order to review your activity. You’ll also see your friends here.

View a Directory of all Members

Here’s where you can make friend requests in order to start or join a group.

View Your Friend Requests

Here’s where you can respond to friend requests made of you.

Your Messaging Page

Read and create messages to members of your group.

General Activity Page

Here’s where you can see what’s going on.

And finally, if you’re an administrator, here’s where you can add custom fields to the Profile pages, etc.
