Can you provide a ride to the event from North Jersey?
The Cohousing Development Cooperative’s Kickoff Meeting
It’s a Working Meeting – Let’s Get Started!
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 2:30, join us in Princeton at the Integral Yoga Community Center (IYCC). At this working meeting, we’ll focus on two important efforts:
Learning about the sociocracy decision-making process and beginning to incorporate elements of sociocracy as we move on to the rest of the meeting. Many cohousing communities use sociocracy (also known as dynamic governance) as the tool to facilitate meetings and make decisions, so this presentation will be an important introduction to sociocracy and a way to add this new skill to your cohousing toolbox.
Beginning the process of developing the structure of the Ecovillage New Jersey Cohousing Development Cooperative (EVNJ CDC). Setting up the mechanics of the EVNJ CDC is essential to creating a strong umbrella organization to help and guide the cohousing projects currently in their infancy in NJ and those that will come later. The framework of the EVNJ CDC won’t be built in a day, but we’ll be able to tackle some critical questions at the meeting.
You’ll hear more about the agenda as the Agenda Committee develops it over the next couple of weeks. If you’re not able to attend in person, you’re welcome to join in via Zoom (
Sunday, August 11, 2019 –
Meeting from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. with Potluck at 5:00
(Be sure to note that having the potluck following the meeting
is a change from earlier meetings).
Bring something edible to share — preferably something healthy!
Whether you’re ready, now, to live in an intentional community… or you may want to live in one, someday… or you just like the idea and want to contribute your support… Come and be part of making cohousing/ecovillage living REAL in NJ and the region!