Category Archives: Ecovillage

Learn about Findhorn, Birthplace of the Ecovillage Movement

Sunday, March 25, 2018, 12:00 noon to 4:00 PM Potluck — please bring a dish to share Zelin / Cloud Home, 8 Revere Drive, Basking Ridge, NJ or join by Zoom videoconference (starting at 1 p.m.) Please RSVP And bring a friend! The featured … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Ecovillage, Education, Event Listings, History | 2 Comments

Let’s Talk About the Resources We’ll Need to Get It Built

Join us this Sunday, Feb. 11, at noon for a potluck (please bring a dish to share). The discussions and presentations will begin at 1:00. Location: 46 Greenwich Drive, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 ==> RSVP Can’t make it in person this time? … Continue reading

Posted in Agendas, Cohousing, Community, Ecovillage, Event Listings, Organization | Leave a comment

Ecovillage Investor/Owner Organizing Meeting

Larry White has issued the following invitation to fellow EVNJ members: Greetings fellow Ecovillagers! You are receiving this email because you have shown a strong commitment to living in an Ecovillage here in the Garden State. At our December holiday … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Cooperatives, Ecovillage, Ecovillagers, Event Listings, Finances, Organization, Properties | 2 Comments

The Role of Ecovillages in (Avoiding) the Coming Global Collapse

In “What Will It Really Take to Avoid Collapse?,” Jeremy Lent writes: [In November 2017] more than 15,000 scientists from 184 countries issued a dire warning to humanity. Because of our overconsumption of the world’s resources, they declared, we are … Continue reading

Posted in Agriculture, Cohousing, Community, Conflict, Ecovillage, Education, Empowerment, Energy Efficiency, Event Listings | Leave a comment

Holiday Convening of Eco-Communities Sunday Dec 10, 2017

Save the Date …and join us for some Collegial and Collective Holiday Cheer! Sunday, December 10, 2017 12:00 – 4:00 PM Zelin / Cloud Home8 Revere Drive, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 At our annual holiday gathering we’ll look forward to … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Cooperatives, Ecovillage, Ecovillagers, Event Listings, Ithaca | Leave a comment

October 21 Trip to visit the Ecovillage at Ithaca

Last year our group sponsored a one-day trip to visit and tour the Ecovillage at Ithaca (EVI). This year our colleagues in the New York Back-to-the-Land / Ecovillage Movement Meetup are sponsoring a similar trip, but it will be a … Continue reading

Posted in Carshare, Ecovillage, Event Listings, Ithaca, Visit | 5 Comments

NY Potluck Picnic & Speaker Event: Intentional Living Co-housing Development

Date & Time: Saturday, September 30, 2017, 1:00 PM — 3:30 PM Location: NY Central Park RSVP: Martin Tomczyk visited and researched extensively about co-housing ( groups and eco-villages in the New England region. Coupled with his knowledge and experience in architecture … Continue reading

Posted in Cohousing, Community, Ecovillage, Event Listings, Organization | Leave a comment

Why Sign Up for a Carpool?

Many people have asked about carpooling to EcoVillage Meetups. We now have a way to do this and request that you sign up — whether or not you need a ride or you can offer a ride. Why? You may enable someone(s) … Continue reading

Posted in Carshare, Ecovillage, Event Listings | Leave a comment

Working with a Builder / Developer?

Join us in Basking Ridge on Sunday, September 17, from noon to 4 (the usual potluck, of course) for an enlightening conversation about cohousing — that will now include the possibility of working on an Ecovillage project with a professional builder … Continue reading

Posted in Agendas, Cohousing, Ecovillage, Properties | Leave a comment

September 17 Meetup: “What is Cohousing?”

Sunday, September 17, 2017, 12:00 – 4:00 PM Zelin / Cloud Home (8 Revere Drive, Basking Ridge, NJ) Let’s get straight on all the buzzwords of the movement! We’re part of a worldwide movement. The movement is based on a recognition of how … Continue reading

Posted in Agendas, Cohousing, Community, Dynamic Governance, Ecovillage, History, Organization, Sociocracy | Leave a comment