As of this writing, the account contains $6,028.51, representing donations from members (of the Central/Northern NJ Ecovillage Meetup) and a small amount of interest from our credit union account. There have been no withdrawals so far, though these amounts are owed:
- Steve is owed $270 for 18 months of the Meetup subscription, which is currently $15 a month, since March 2015, when the bank account was opened.
- CRCS is entitled to a 5% fee for overhead ($301.43 as of September 2016)
- $130 of the money donated was targeted for support of the Ecovillagers Co-op
- Mara is owed $25 for paying the meeting fee at the library in September
Of course there is also a great deal of time and effort which is not accounted for financially, including an extensive search for suitable properties, site visits, and the extended negotiations for a property in Andover Township.