Saturday, May 18, 2:30 – 6:30 pm 2:30-3:30 Potluck, 3:30-5 Presentation 5-6:30 Organizing to build our first Cohousing community Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center Princeton Shopping Center, 301 N. Harrison Street, Bldg A ~ Suite 1E, Princeton, NJ
“Helping you bring neighborhoods home” is the theme of architect Lynn Gaffney’s new Cohousing Opportunities Group, a resource for those interested in “living in community” in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. On Saturday, May 18 from 3:30 -5 pm, Lynn will share her thoughts on the what, where, when, why and how these intentional cohousing communities are being built across the country. The event is co-sponsored by Ecovillage NJ and the Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center, where it will be held. The public is invited to engage with people from Ecovillage New Jersey and the region who have been dreaming about living in cohousing. After the event, participants are welcome to join Ecovillage NJ in an organizational meeting, from 5-6:30 pm. Lynn Gaffney says, “Imagine a neighborhood that …
- Values social connection above all else.
- Invites an environmentally responsible lifestyle within custom “green” buildings
- Consists of private homes connected to dynamic common spaces
- Provides places for kids of all ages to play together
- Offers an opportunity to age in place with supportive neighbors that know and care for you
- Features design that promotes spontaneous interaction while respecting your need for solitude.
… this is cohousing.”
Lynn has been leading the Lynn Gaffney Architect firm since 1997. As an architect, a LEED accredited AP and a certified Passive House designer, Lynn has over 20 years of experience in residential, commercial and institutional service projects. Lynn is part of the 500 Communities Program, a select group of professionals being trained by renowned cohousing architect and developer, Kathryn McCamant.
Ron Cohen of Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center, which is hosting the event says, “There are many people involved with the Yoga Center who have been talking about living in a cohousing development, so we’re excited about Lynn Gaffney’s presentation. We also look forward to participating in the upcoming workshop with Chuck Durrett, where people will learn how to start a cohousing community, from scratch.
Need a ride, or willing to offer one? Can’t make it in person? Join us on Zoom after 1 p.m. RSVP here for May 18
On Wednesday, June 5th, 2019, Ecovillage New Jersey, along with groups from NY, PA and CT, will gather at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick for The Cohousing Workshop: Making It Real, led by Charles Durrett of The Cohousing Company, a California based firm that has developed over 50 Cohousing communities in the U.S. over the past 25 years. An after-party, open to the public, will follow the workshop, at the Blackthorn Pub across the street. Lynn’s presentation on May 18 will preview what’s entailed in building cohousing and why the June 5 workshop is a crucial milestone in getting these neighborhoods built in the Mid-Atlantic region. Information and registration for the June 5 workshop here.
Steve Welzer, founder of Ecovillage New Jersey, says, “People have been coming to our meetings for years, asking us when there’s going to be a cohousing or ecovillage community they can join. We’re anticipating that the event on May 18 will kick off a new era toward building a network of intentional communities all around the region.”
Co-sponsored by:
Ecovillage Alliance
Lynn Gaffney Architect
Cohousing Opportunities Group
Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center
Blackthorn Restaurant & Irish Pub
The Cohousing Company
Possible Planet