EcoVillage General Meeting – March 9, 2013
Time : 3-6pm + optional post-meeting gathering at a local café
Location: Soulutions, 126 N State St, Newtown, PA
All – bring a healthful snack to share during the meeting
Ute – open and close meeting
Jonathan – facilitate meeting
I. Meeting Format and Introductions (10 min)
II. Review of Last Meeting – What did we learn, to carry forward?
(Distinction between Agreement and Alignment; Victoria will
point to other learnings from the last meeting that will be
valuable to carry forward, e.g., Fact vs. Interpretation, “Looking
Good,” etc.) (20 min)
III. New Distinction: (Context/Process/Content) – V. Zelin (10 min)
IV. Creating our “Context” as a Community (i.e. an Aligned Future)
Inner work vs. outer work, how we relate to each other and to
the rules/accountabilities, philosophy, membership, etc.
Vision/mission, which is part of “context,” will be focused on at
the Working Weekend (25 min)
V. Committee Presentations, especially “Finding land” committee
and “visiting communities” committee – Each committee will
have a spokesperson present a summary of their findings and
next steps (10 min maximum/committee) – PLUS – the group
brainstorms and generates a “mandate” and/or a list of things
for each committee, so each committee has a better sense of
what the group is looking for from the committee – 40 min total
VI. NVC Proposal – (5 min) (Non-Violent Communication)
IV. Working Weekend – discussion of agenda (30 min)
V. Reflection (10 min) Total: 2 h 30 m
****more, over****
Please note:
We are still looking for brief biographies from all members that we can
hand out to current and new members. Please see attached template.
Biography Template
Please complete the following. This Biography will be published for
current and visiting members.
Your Full Name:
Name of your family members and age of children:
Your Vision of the EcoVillage
: “ I envision…..”
Your Skills/Talents/Profession:
Your Interests/Hobbies:
The Role you see fulfilling in our EcoVillage:
“ I see myself
contributing to the EcoVillage by
Your Contact Info
Mailing Address
Email Address
Cell Phone
Home Phone