Collaborating with Nature Workshop January 16, 2016 in Morristown

BillReedFlyer16Jan16Bill Reed, distinguished architect and global thought leader on regenerative design, will hold a workshop at the Morristown Unitarian Fellowship on Saturday, January 16, 2016 from 1 to 5 p.m. Click here to download PDF flyer.

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We discussed our survey at the October Meetup

Details at:

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Cohousing Planned With Town of Boulder, CO

Thanks to Peter Sullivan for passing this along:

From: NextworldTV <>
Date: Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 9:09 AM
Subject: Cohousing Planned With Town of Boulder, CO
To: Peter <>


At the Wild Sage co- housing development in Boulder, Colorado, the future residents co-ordinated with the town for an 8 year planning period to create an intentional community within a new housing development.

An intentional cohousing group, in effect, jump started a whole new urbanist community for 330 homes. Continue reading

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NY Times Feature on Cohousing

On April 24 there was a featured article on the editorial page of the New York Times about how cohousing might be a desirable option for single people. It ends, though, by saying: “. . . homes that combine privacy with community and sociability . . . that combination sounds pretty attractive for anybody . . .”

The article should have mentioned that there is no such option, yet, in the whole New York metropolitan area! That’s why we’re confident that, if we can get our ecovillage built, there will be considerable demand to purchase units and become part of such a unique community.

Here are excerpts from the New York Times article:

While many single people are quite happy to live alone, it’s not always easy. When Kate Bolick first lived in her own apartment, she said, “it felt unbelievably exciting to be simply living by myself and master of my own domain. But then maybe at around the seven-year mark it started to feel kind of repetitive and lonely.”

Many single people relish their autonomy and don’t necessarily want to be part of a couple. But some would like another option, a way to have companionship without entering into a romantic relationship. That might mean roommate groupings more stable than the 20-something variety. Or it might mean a larger community that mixes shared and individual space. “Cohousing” communities around the country typically include private homes surrounding a common house where residents can gather for meals and other activities.

Americans who want to live communally face obstacles like zoning laws — and housing designed for nuclear families. Removing some of the barriers would give our growing population of single people the opportunity, at least, to decide if living with other people works for them. It might also encourage Americans in general to think more creatively about our homes, our cities and our social networks. Many single people want homes that combine privacy with community and sociability. That combination sounds pretty attractive for anybody, single or not.

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Regenerative Cohousing

Download our latest brochure: RegenerativeCohousing (2Apr2015)regencohousing

From Jonathan Cloud and Victoria Zelin:

While we’re working hard on what we expect to be an avalanche of PACE projects once the new law is passed, we’ve been giving serious consideration to where and how we might want to live during this next few years of our lives. Like many others in our age group, we’re officially “empty-nesters,” and are looking to live “more lightly” on the land. We’d also like to be part of a genuine community, where we have deeper relationships with our neighbors, and can work together to bring about more rapid social change.

This has led us to a growing interest in intentional communities, ecovillages, and cohousing. The most practical and least controversial of these is cohousing, where a small neighborhood of 10-35 families share a large common facility, and live in smaller-footprint individual homes around this common space


Cohousing itself is not new; pioneered in Denmark in the 1970s, it was introduced into the U.S. by Kathryn McCamant and Charles Durrett more than 35 years ago. There are more than 700 cohousing neighborhoods in Denmark today, many in other European countries as well as Australia and New Zealand, and close to 150 in the United States, with another hundred or so in various stages of development.

New Jersey is something of an anomaly in having no completed cohousing developments. In our view there is considerable interest and potential for development. And it is a uniquely appropriate vehicle for the kinds of “regenerative community solutions” we are seeking to introduce to NJ communities in the wake of Superstorm Sandy.

Creating diverse, walkable, and socially cohesive neighborhoods is worthwhile in itself, but it takes on a larger purpose in the context of a regenerative vision for local communities. Cohousing neighborhoods can serve as vehicles for innovation in designing a sustainable future, and then sharing the most successful outcomes.
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Join our Meetup!

Our project has a very active Meetup group and we welcome you to join . . .

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We visited the Ecovillage at Ithaca on May 9

Fourteen of our Meetup members visited the EcoVillage at Ithaca (EVI) on May 9. We were given a tour by Dick Franke, a former Anthropology professor at Montclair State University.

There are three cohousing neighborhoods at EVI. We saw how the clustering of the units in each neighborhood minimizes the overall ecological footprint; and how the advanced practices for green building and energy use result in significant carbon reductions (as well as considerable monetary savings for homeowners).

In the evening we enjoyed a dinner together at the famous Moosewood Restaurant in downtown Ithaca.

(read a full report of our day under the tab “Meetings/Events” above)

EVI web site

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August 2013 Weekend Preparations

For those attending this event, please click here to let know us what you’re bringing:
Aug 3-4 Food Coordination — thanks.

For those not attending, but who are part of or interested in following the development of the Ecovillage, I’m happy to share some of my own thoughts about the topics that will be discussed, and invite your comments. Since our goal is to come out with a practical plan for developing the community’s physical and spiritual environment, we will certainly share here the results and outcomes of these conversations. It may also be possible to engage interactively with others, if the group decides to use online tools with which to share the discussions in real time.

The main goals are (a) to establish a framework for us to engage in “compassionate and collaborative communication,” with the help of NVC coach Max Rivers; (b) to engage in several kinds of visioning processes, in order to align our goals and expectations; and (c) to work through financial models, development budgets, bylaws and other agreements. You’re welcome to post thoughts and comments here or elsewhere on the site, and we’ll get notified of them and try to respond. Thanks

Posted in Agendas, Ecovillage, Weekend Workshop | 3 Comments

From the archives: July 2013

Monthly meeting: July 7, 2013 from 2-5 pm at the Tiffany’s home, Mill Fleurs, 27 Cafferty Rd, Point Pleasant, PA (Pipersville, PA, 18947 on Google & Bing, Tinicum, PA in some GPS devices). If you have questions about directions, let me, or Barbara/Robert Tiffany know. Bring snacks to share. Agenda is below.

Please RSVP by this Friday, July 5th, if you plan to come this Sunday. At least one of us will be attending by phone (not recommended, but needed), and we will use the following conference line — but let us know if we should expect you by phone.

AGENDA: Other than an update on a meeting we had with Bob Hillier, legendary architect, the agenda centers around planning the Aug 3/4 working session, which will also be held at the Tiffany’s home:
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Meeting June 2013

brosmoonmeetingphotoThe “core team” (Ute, the Tiffanys, Laurie, Judy, Jennifer, Victoria and Jonathan) met at Brothers Moon in Hopewell on Sunday to consider the following:

  • Review of last meeting
  • Discussion of properties
  • Weekend Agenda / Participants (including children)

and to discuss Jennifer’s visioning process.

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