Agenda: January 2013

Dear Friends,

As one of the members who volunteered on the “Project Management” committee, I am attaching our agenda and “worksheet” for your review.

Our next General Meeting is Sunday, January 6th from 1-4:30pm at my house (see address below).  This will include a 2 1/2 hour working meeting and a social hour afterwards for those who can stay.

Agenda (see below)

* Based on your input, I have typed up the attached agenda with suggested time allocated for each item.  As you can see, it’s a very full agenda and we would need to extend our working portion of the meeting by 30 min.

* If you have a significant change to the agenda, please let me know by Wed. so that I can revise and send out to the group. (I will be away later in the week).

Worksheet (see attachment)

* To help us stay on track with the agenda (time and topic-wise), I am suggesting we review the attached worksheet which includes the topics and questions that will be raised at our meeting. No, it’s not homework (!) but hopefully knowing what we will discuss in advance will make our meeting run more efficiently.

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January 2013 Meeting Agenda -1

Dear Friends,

Since January is right around the corner, I want to send out a reminder for our next General Meeting which will take place at my home.  Our family is happy to host this afternoon meeting and look forward to the working meeting and snack&social afterwards.  Children are welcome – please do RSVP so arrangements can be made for snacks and childcare.  Please also provide the names of any newcomers you are inviting. Thanks.

Since everyone agreed to having more structure in place for our monthly meetings, I am going to jump in and offer to have an agenda written up before the meeting so we can stay on track in terms of objectives, topics and time.  It might also be a good idea to have some sort of way to monitor time so that each person can contribute but still have the meeting run on time (e.g., talking stick with timer?).  Anyone with ideas for providing more structure, please offer them up.

As for the agenda, there seems to be energy around re-grouping tasks so that we can continue working in sub-teams. This might be a nice way to start off the new year in a strong and productive way.  Other items that have been offered up already for the meeting are as follows:

* Schedule standing meetings (e.g., first Sunday of the month, or the like)

* Discuss whether there is interest in having a working weekend for team building and working on sub-team tasks.  The thought behind this idea is that we had a productive meeting at Ute’s house but ran out of time to bring closure to items and/or to the next level.  The hope is that this type of meeting will give us the springboard to move forward as a unified team as well as complete some tasks and milestones in a relatively short period of time.

* Assess commitment level (time, energy, etc) and ability of each member to contribute so that expectations can be managed as to what can actually be accomplished by when.

* Begin to work on governing principles.

* How best to build trust among the team.

If you have a topic you want discussed, please let me know and I can compile the complete list of items and email back out to the entire group by this Friday.

Lastly, there are a lot of good ideas on how we can improve our process for working together that we learned during our first major project (the holiday bazaar).  Since there is likely not sufficient time to discuss this at the Jan. meeting, if you send me your ideas for what worked and what didn’t with suggested solutions, I would be happy to type up a comprehensive list so we have it for all to review and for our files.

May your holidays be filled with love and peace.  See you in January! – Judy

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November 2012 Meeting Minutes

EcoVillage Meeting Notes
Attendees: Ute, Laurie, Ray, Judy, Sophia, Cameron,
Christine, Madison, Vanessa, Lois, Jennifer, Barbara, Robert,  Renate, Joe, Douglas, Susan, Quentin, Celia, Victoria,  Jonathan,  Joelle, Illia

We began with brief introductions.

Ute asked us to meditate on the following…

What is your life’s plan that has brought you to this evening?

What is the quality of energy you are bringing to this group?

How will your ongoing attunement to this energy shape your life’s plan, and therefore the future of this group?

and we broke into groups of 3-4 people to discuss our answers.

Ute then brought up the idea of working together on a project in an effort to help each of us get to know the others in our group so we can become more cohesive and build a collective energy to strengthen our community.

The date has been set for December 16 at a church in New Hope on Mechanic

We have sent in an application and are waiting to hear back from them. (In an email sent this morning, Vanessa said the church is always open and encouraged any of us to go and look at the space.)

Illia suggested advertising that all or a percentage of proceeds will go to Sandy Relief Fund. There was some discussion around that as some members felt that a large portion of the funds should go into a “kitty” for our EcoVillage and some members felt that all of the money should go to the Sandy Relief Fund. (After talking with various members individually, it seems that a majority of us would rather work towards something greater than ourselves for this project and dedicate our time and money to those at the Jersey shore who have lost everything and are struggling just to survive.)

We will be discussing this event further at Ute’s house this Saturday. (See the
email sent earlier today with the subject line “This Saturday”.)

The last 15 minutes was intended to be spent watching a video by Marko Pogacnik that addressed the meaning of the planetary weather changes and the concept of landscape temples, geomancy, etc. However, we were unable to adjust the volume. Christine and I will figure out a way to distribute it to everyone, either by email link or DVD copy.

We did not set another meeting date. Again, after speaking with various members individually, it seems that weeknights are a challenge and most of us would prefer Sunday afternoon meetings. This way, the children can be more involved and we can be home  early enough to prepare ourselves for the coming week.

Additionally, for those who missed it, the following was passed around:


a Holistic Experience of Life

Heart centered communication with people and nature to move from intellectual
dominance to emotional, sensory, and spiritual intelligence



-creative  problem solving

Building Emotional and Sensory Intelligence to be in tune with our Spiritual


-Healing Arts

-Creative Arts

-Conscious Nature dialogue through planting and harvesting

-Holistic Educational programs for children and adults

Self Sustainability to live lightly on MOTHER EARTH

-Alternative Energy sources

-Clustered housing

-Land conservation

-Organic farming

-Self Healing

-Education/International Exchange Programs

-Cottage industry

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October 2012 Meeting Minutes and November 2012 Agenda

Hello Fellow Villagers,

It was wonderful to see you all last night.

Attached is a summary of the meeting.  I included what I remembered so please feel free to email the group with any additions and/or revisions.

Please review the last two pages which include a list of tasks and responsibility so that everyone is clear on expectations for our next meeting.  If you haven’t signed up to work with a team, please do so.  Some of you signed up in prior meetings but since I didn’t have that list I cannot merge it.  Therefore, please review this current list of tasks and sign up again. Thanks.

All the teams agreed to meet before our next meeting so that work can happen in between meetings and we can present our findings to each other on Sunday, Nov. 11th, our next meeting.  It will be held at Judy and Ray’s house at 6pm.  A light dinner will be served.

Meeting Date: 10/22/12

Location: Ute’s house

Attendees: Ute, Laurie, Connie, Joe, Douglas, Zak, Jennifer, Maria, Barbara, Renate, Janine, Teddy, and Judy.


Music, Poetry, Introductions – welcome new members Zak, Janine, and Teddy!

  • Open discussion: How do you feel about the group’s progress and status?
  • Group Exercise – answer the following 5 questions.
  • Formation of Teams to Complete Tasks.
  • Convene for snacks – Thank you Ute for providing comforting vegetable soup, warm cider, incredible plum cake and dandelion coffee, and everyone else for yummy treats to cap off the evening.
  • Slide Show reserved for next meeting.
  • Next meeting will be held at Judy and Ray’s on Sunday, November 11th at 6pm. Light dinner will be served.

Brief Summary

There was general consensus and desire to move the project forward.  The goal was to leave the meeting with concrete next steps. Members formed teams of three for the group exercise and to answer the questions below. There was time to answer all questions but only time to reflect and share the first two questions with the entire group.  Please see below for a summary of what was discussed and agreed upon from the group discussion of questions 1 and 2.

Additionally, each member was asked how they would commit to moving the project forward.  There was a sense of need and urgency for every member to commit and contribute to the next step.

There was also substantial discussion around concerns for the following topic.  However, the group decided to continue these discussions at a later date in order to focus on the meeting agenda.

  • Our community’s core values are just as important as the mission statement.  They should be folded into our work and vision.
  • Securing finances – how to market ourselves to potential sponsors?  Anyone interested and capable in grant writing?  Do we hire a professional? What is our key selling point to potential sponsors?  The group agreed that the selling point would involve “healing” in some form.  What ideas can each individual member come up with in terms of selling “healing”?
  • Possibility of seeking property that can be “re-purposed” and reused as oppose to building from scratch.  Is there an existing eco-village that is looking to “sell”?  Can we re-use a former campsite?
  • Desire to form and live in community sooner rather than later.  Can we find a way to live in community while we build the “ideal” eco-village?

Group Exercise

  1. What do you see the next step will have to be for the      eco-village?
  2. What will be your role in bringing this about?
  3. If you need support in this, who will you choose to be on your      team?
  4. What is your estimated time frame in which you will accomplish      this – be specific.
  5. How and when will you report your findings, research, hands-on      doing… to the community?

Group Exercise: Replies to questions 1 and 2.  Smaller teams presented these ideas and discussed with larger group.  The list below embodies the discussion that resulted.

Question 1: What do you see the next step will have to be for the eco-village?

1)      Write a Mission Statement.  All 4 groups came up with the need to create a mission Statement.  A declaration of purpose to guide all members as well as for use when presenting our community to potential members and sponsors.  Also, important to have a list of core community values.  How will our group serve?

2)      Develop a process to identify and assign tasks.  Include a timeline and a process on how to report status of tasks. Work in smaller teams on tasks in order to generate creative ideas and share the effort.

3)       Begin to work on Finances in two parts – first, how to source funding and second, how to manage the finances.

4)      Search for Land. Include search for existing property that can be “re-purposed”.

5)      Visit other eco-villages and also ascertain whether there are some that are available for purchase so we don’t have to build from scratch.

6)      Consider how to structure the group: incorporate, not-for-profit status, etc. Ute has 501c3 for her company and Renate has an approved state school status (NJ) that can potentially be explored for use.

7)      Develop a Project Management team of 5 people to lead the project (e.g., manage activities to continue forward momentum, provide organization to the group and process, etc).  This team will just lead the process.  Decision-making is still intended to be on a consensus basis by the entire group.

8)      Have more frequent communication/meetings to continue momentum.  Perhaps this can be achieved via online and through smaller team meetings that work on specific tasks.

Question 2:  What will be your role in bringing this about?

IMPORTANT – These are deliverables for our next meeting. For those who were unable to attend, please select a task that you would like to contribute to and contact fellow members in that group.  The smaller teams will meet before our next general meeting to work on the tasks they signed up for.

ResponsibilityEvery member

Task  – Every member will brainstorm on a “healing idea”.  What can you contribute to the eco-village?  If we were to present an idea to potential sponsors, what would you like to “sell” to them?  How does your idea serve our neighbors, the broader community, and the earth? Other constituents?  How is your idea saleable and appealing to potential sponsors? The hope is that this individual exercise will prompt each member to be thoughtful about their own skills, interests and passion and think creatively of how s/he can best serve and make contributions to the eco-village.  The idea does not have to be entirely feasible, so be creative!  The only requirement is that your idea evolves around some form of “healing” (e.g., a healing garden for inner city children, mentoring at risks teen girls, working with abused people, etc).

Timing – each member will email Judy with their idea by Nov. 5th so that a consolidated list can be provided at next meeting.  Those compelled will also present their idea at next meeting.

ResponsibilityUte, Laurie, Connie and Douglas.

Task – to create a mission statement and develop ideas around core community values. Timing – at next meeting, this team will present a draft of the mission statement and a list of core values.

ResponsibilityUte, Barbara, Judy, Maria, Laurie (?)

Task – to identify those eco-villages to visit.  Obtain contact names and potential dates for visit.

Timing – at the next meeting, this team will present a list of 3-5 potential communities and provide brief background of community.


Task – to identify and create appropriate (and easy to use) online vehicles for communication.

Timing – at next meeting, present suggestions.  If time permits, create the vehicles beforehand.

Recruitment Joe + OTHERS?

Task – to identify prospective members. Perhaps a process that can be used for recruitment?? Other ideas?

Timing – at next meeting, present finding, ideas???  This was not discussed sufficiently at meeting, so feel free to add/revise.

ResponsibilityUte, Judy, + 3 OTHERS

Task – Provide project management and organization to the group’s activities. This may include suggesting meeting agendas, summarizing meetings, providing group exercises, facilitating smaller teams on tasks, etc.  What else would be helpful to the members? Please chime in here.

Timing –  Ongoing.  At next meeting, provide agenda, publish notes post-meeting.  All are welcome to provide suggestions to agenda and we can incorporate.

Responsibility – Ray (budget management) and OTHERS (for sourcing funds)

Task – to source funds and manage funds (once we have it!)

Timing – we need immediate volunteers to source funds.

Responsibility – any takers??

Task – to identify process of finding land, which realtors are capable and interested, attending showings, etc.

Timing – TBD

~ END~

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September 2012 Meeting Minutes and October 2012 Agenda

Friends, future neighbors, chosen family…

Here is a picture I sent in July of the flowchart Tom created. This is only Phase One (

Last night, the group came to a consensus that the most important step *right now* is to work on making our vision clear and creating a mission statement. Everyone wrote down things that were important to them in the manifestation of our shared community.

The list will be compiled and emailed it to everyone ( , but to satiate the curiosity of those who couldn’t make it, I’ll share that common themes were: self-sustaining lifestyle, low carbon footprint, natural foods, green building technologies,
healing arts center on the property, shared garden, education for children, open land, clean water source.

This should come as no surprise to any of us. It seems we are all in agreement that not only do we want these things for ourselves, each other, and our families, but we also want to provide a model of living for future generations.

The next meeting is scheduled for October 22 at 7:00pm at Ute’s house.  Between now and then, each of us should be collecting images and words that best describe our vision for the community:

scour magazines and cut out images that you would like to see in our community…

use the internet – Google; images: EcoVillage, printing out images that appeal to you (to be more environmentally friendly, copy and paste each image into a word document so you have more than one image to a page and when you are finished, print out the document)…

type words in a word document or write them on index cards…

because we will be creating an EcoVillage Vision Board which will become the springboard for our mission statement.

Please come to the next meeting prepared. We need *everyone’s* energy to manifest our dreams.   🙂

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eco village

Web definition:
Ecovillages are intentional communities with the goal of becoming more socially, economically and ecologically sustainable.

Our Working Mission Statement:
To create a new paradigm of living that is informed by our divine intelligence:  in harmony with ourselves, each other, and our earth to inspire universal health and well being.
Posted on by Jonathan Cloud | Leave a comment

Notes for 2013

Hi Everyone,

Thank you to those who replied.  Attached are all the responses I received for the worksheet and committee sign ups.  I am publishing on behalf of the group:

1) responses from the worksheet

2) a list of committees and members

3) membership status.



Please see below.


Please note that there are two new committees that were suggested and added at the bottom of the chart in case anyone is interested. One is planning social events for the group and the other is running fundraising events.  No one volunteered to lead a committee so please work it out among yourselves…someone please take the first step and arrange for a meeting.

Up for discussion: should the Working Weekend Committee be “all hands”?  It’s a large, pivotal event for our group and it would make sense for everyone to be involved in the planning and preparation in addition to atttending.  We can split up into sub-committees just like the holiday bazaar so that there is something for everyone (content, activity, format, logistics, meals, supplies, childcare, etc).  Yes, No?

In general, the survey indicated that most new tools were helpful and should be used at the next meeting.  Having a large open space where everyone can see each other was also very helpful to the meeting productivity and atmosphere.  I will publish suggestions once I receive more from you…basically looking for whether you think we should continue with same format for our next meeting.  Yes/No?


Based on replies, we are set as follows: Feb 16th, March 9th ,April 6, May 4, June 1, July 13 (due to holiday), August 3, Sept 14th (due to holiday), Oct 5th, Nov 2nd, and Dec. 7th.   Meetings run from 2-5pm with optional potluck dinner to follow.  We need to determine location.


As for the Working Weekend, Barbara and Tiff are not available.  I will send out a separate email soliciting availability for April.

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