June 15, 2:30-6 p.m. Enlightened and Energized . . . Let’s Move Forward!

Note: To join remotely, use this link to launch Zoom at 3:15 p.m.:
Or dial in:    
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 828 385 7296

Our June Meetup will provide an opportunity to de-brief in the wake of the 6/5 “Making It Real” workshop — and assimilate what we learned. If you weren’t able to attend the workshop, this will be a chance to hear about what transpired.

Saturday, June 15, 2019
2:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center
301 N Harrison St #1E · Princeton, NJ

So: assimilate, consolidate, organize, commit, and move forward! But only after enjoying together a potluck late-lunch starting at 2:30. Please bring a dish to share.

We’d also like to acknowledge all those who made the Workshop happen:

  • To Chuck and the Cohousing Company, for giving of himself and his firm so generously, and making this day possible, and the possibility of cohousing in NJ and the region.
  • To Steve, for always being there for decisions, input, financing the breakfast, scholarships, and the many volunteers that helped this event possible, Alice, Maggie, Jo-Anne, Larry,
  • To Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center, for hosting our Meetups and allowing us to call them our home base, for the time being — it’s a great partnership

And to our sponsors:

Possible Planet (www.PossiblePlanet.org
Ecovillage Alliance (www.Ecovillagers.org)
Lynn Gaffney Architect (www.lynngaffney.com)
Cohousing Opportunities Group (www.cohousing.group)
Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center (www.iyccprinceton.org)
Blackthorn Restaurant & Irish Pub (http://blackthornpub.com/new-brunswick/)
The Cohousing Company (http://www.cohousingco.com)


Posted in Agendas, Cohousing, Community, Ecovillage, Empowerment, Event Listings, Yoga | Leave a comment

Front Page Coverage by U.S.1 on Cohousing & Ecovillage NJ

Register for the AfterParty on June 5!

Under the banner headline “Dreaming Green,” U.S. 1’s latest issue features Ecovillage New Jersey on its front page, saying

“Ecovillage NJ Founder Steve Welzer wants to create cohousing communities where neighbors are connected, not isolated. What’s so hard about that?”

The main article, “Ecovillage NJ: Fighting for a Commune Cause,” by Michele Alperin, contains a few bloopers, but on the whole is positive, informative, and inspiring. It tells the story of Steve’s early years and of his vision of creating sustainable and meaningful eco-communities in New Jersey, and describes much of what he and others are currently doing to make this vision a reality. Despite the headline, which fails to be accurate or clever (cohousing advocates aren’t fighting, and aren’t looking to create communes), the article is well worth a full read… Continue reading

Posted in Cohousing, Community, Cooperatives, Ecovillage, Education, Empowerment, Event Listings, History, Organization, Properties | Leave a comment

Come to the Cohousing AfterParty!

Register for the AfterParty on June 5!

Our June 5th event, The Cohousing Workshop: Making It Real, is sold out, and we’re now inviting people to join a waiting/interest list, and to register for the AfterParty, from 5:30 – 8 p.m. at the Blackthorne Pub, across the street from the New Brunswick Hyatt Regency, where the workshop will be held. More info to follow soon…

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This Saturday: Cohousing + Yoga = Community

Register for the After-Party on June 5!

Passionate about Sustainability and Community?

So are we, and the folks at the Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center (IYCC) share our interest in creating a better life for everyone.

Join us this Saturday to learn about the latest in developing sustainable cohousing with Architect Lynn Gaffney, and find out more about the intersection of yoga, community, and sustainability.

“Helping You Bring Neighborhoods Home”

Lynn Gaffney (Cohousing Opportunities Group)

Saturday, May 18,
2:30 – 6:30 pm
2:30-3:30: Potluck
3:30-5: Presentation  

5-6:30: Organizing Meeting

Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center
Princeton Shopping Center, 301 N. Harrison Street, Bldg A ~ Suite 1E, Princeton, NJ


Need a ride, or willing to offer one?

Can’t make it in person? Join us on Zoom after 3:30 p.m. Continue reading

Posted in Agendas, Cohousing, Ecovillage, Event Listings, Organization, Yoga | Leave a comment

May 18: Cohousing Comes to Princeton as Architect Lynn Gaffney Kicks Off New Community Initiative

Saturday, May 18, 2:30 – 6:30 pm 2:30-3:30 Potluck, 3:30-5 Presentation 5-6:30 Organizing to build our first Cohousing community Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center Princeton Shopping Center, 301 N. Harrison Street, Bldg A ~ Suite 1E, Princeton, NJ

“Helping you bring neighborhoods home” is the theme of architect Lynn Gaffney’s new Cohousing Opportunities Group, a resource for those interested in “living in community” in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. On Saturday, May 18 from 3:30 -5 pm, Lynn will share her thoughts on the what, where, when, why and how these intentional cohousing communities are being built across the country.  The event is co-sponsored by Ecovillage NJ and the Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center, where it will be held. The public is invited to engage with people from Ecovillage New Jersey and the region who have been dreaming about living in cohousing. After the event, participants are welcome to join Ecovillage NJ in an organizational meeting, from 5-6:30 pm. Continue reading

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April 13, 2019: Organizing to Get It Built

We’ll be hosting movement guru Chuck Durrett in June. We’ve done a lot of planning, and there’s more to do to get the word out. So, as one part of our agenda, we’ll be finalizing our plans for the June 5th Workshop.

We’ll also have with us two local leaders in the Cohousing/Ecovillage movement, Joel Rothschild and Lynn Gaffney. 

The cohousing movement started in Denmark during the 1960s. Chuck Durrett and Katie McCamant were traveling there in 1987 and became intrigued with how the concept encourages neighborly interactions and the formation of supportive/cooperative relationships between community residents. Their 1988 book, “Cohousing,” introduced this model of intentional community to Americans.

Chuck now has thirty years of experience guiding the development of over 55 cohousing communities throughout the United States. We’ll be privileged on June 5 to host his “Getting It Built” workshop in New Jersey. Download the Workshop Flyer.

Register for the Workshop now — early bird pricing until April 30.

Save that date. Meanwhile, find out more about our plans (and plan to help the planners!), and  at our April Meetup:

Saturday, April 13 … 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Trenton Free Public Library … 120 Academy Street, Trenton, NJ

Can’t make it in person? Join us on Zoom after 1 p.m.

Need a ride, or willing to offer one?

One of our members is looking for a ride from Lake Hiawatha (Parsippany-Troy Hills area) to the April 13 Meetup. If you can offer her a ride, you can see her information here.


After networking in one of the Library’s spaces, we’ll be having our usual pot-luck luncheon and then getting down to work a little earlier than usual, by 1 pm.

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This Sunday — How the Community Land Cooperative model can Revolutionize the Ecovillage/Cohousing Movement

Join us this Sunday as Joel Rothschild of the EcoVillagers Alliance talks about EVA’s conception of how ecovillages can be owned and democratically governed as Community Land Co-ops.

Sunday, March 10, Noon to 4:00pm

2 Clerico Lane, Hillsborough NJ 08844


Joel will report on how the cooperative model is being applied in the development of an ecovillage neighborhood in Lancaster, PA, where he lives. With affordability in mind, he’ll propose some creative approaches to making the pivot from conventional debt financing to cooperative equity ownership.

The Ecovillagers Alliance is a nonprofit coalition dedicated to cultivating CLC’s (Community Land Cooperatives) in service to ecovillage neighborhoods across the US.

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Posted in Agendas, Cohousing, Community, Cooperatives, Ecovillage, Ecovillagers, Finances, Investment, Organization | Leave a comment

March 10: Exploring A Better Model for Ecovillage Development

Join us March 10 to hear about the progress being made by the Ecovillagers Alliance (EVA) toward organizing the world’s first Real Estate Investment Cooperative dedicated to establishing ecovillage neighborhoods. EVA’s unique vision is based on an exciting new model of how ecovillages can be owned and democratically governed as community land co-ops.

Sunday, March 10, Noon to 4:00pm
2 Clerico Lane in Hillsborough 08844

We’ve all wondered how we can build affordability and participation into our dream of intentional community. Joel Rothschild, a founder of EVA, will report on how the cooperative model is being applied in the development of an ecovillage neighborhood in Lancaster, PA, where he lives.

The Ecovillagers Alliance is a nonprofit coalition dedicated to cultivating CLC’s (Community Land Co-operatives) in service to ecovillage neighborhoods across the US:

Continue reading

Posted in Cohousing, Community, Cooperatives, Dynamic Governance, Ecovillage, Ecovillagers, Education, Finances, Organization, Sociocracy | Leave a comment

March 10: Let’s Organize an Ecovillage Co-op!

Join us on Sunday, March 10, 2019 to hear about the progress being made by the Ecovillagers Alliance (EVA) toward organizing the world’s first real estate investment cooperative dedicated to establishing ecovillage cohousing neighborhoods. EVA’s unique vision is based on an exciting new model of how ecovillages can be owned and democratically governed as community land co-ops.

Sunday March 10, 2019 — Noon to 4:00pm
2 Clerico Lane, Hillsborough, NJ

We’ve all wondered how we can build affordability and participation into our dream of intentional community. Joel Rothschild, a founder of EVA, will report on how the cooperative model is being applied in the development of an ecovillage neighborhood in Lancaster, PA, where he lives. Continue reading

Posted in Agendas, Cohousing, Cooperatives, Ecovillage, Ecovillagers, Event Listings, Organization | Leave a comment

Feb 2, 2019: Interested in Cohousing within 20 miles of Hopewell?

This Saturday at 10 a.m. (note this is different from our regular meeting time), the Hopewell Area Cohousing group will meet at Lynne Molnar’s home in Pennington.  The purpose of this meeting is take the next steps in deciding on where near the Hopewell area to investigate property. The goal  is to form a solid group of 6-8 families/households who want to move ahead with the general model of the cohousing structure.

In addition, it will be an opportunity to discuss:

Space is limited, so please come only if you are interested in cohousing in a 20-mile radius of the Hopewell area.

Pot-luck luncheon after the meeting . . . please bring a dish to share.

Saturday, February 2, 2019, 10 a.m. to Noon
56 E. Curlis Ave · Pennington, NJ

Please RSVP

For more information contact Lynne at 617-750-1632.


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