Friends, future neighbors, chosen family…
Here is a picture I sent in July of the flowchart Tom created. This is only Phase One (
Last night, the group came to a consensus that the most important step *right now* is to work on making our vision clear and creating a mission statement. Everyone wrote down things that were important to them in the manifestation of our shared community.
The list will be compiled and emailed it to everyone ( , but to satiate the curiosity of those who couldn’t make it, I’ll share that common themes were: self-sustaining lifestyle, low carbon footprint, natural foods, green building technologies,
healing arts center on the property, shared garden, education for children, open land, clean water source.
This should come as no surprise to any of us. It seems we are all in agreement that not only do we want these things for ourselves, each other, and our families, but we also want to provide a model of living for future generations.
The next meeting is scheduled for October 22 at 7:00pm at Ute’s house. Between now and then, each of us should be collecting images and words that best describe our vision for the community:
scour magazines and cut out images that you would like to see in our community…
use the internet – Google; images: EcoVillage, printing out images that appeal to you (to be more environmentally friendly, copy and paste each image into a word document so you have more than one image to a page and when you are finished, print out the document)…
type words in a word document or write them on index cards…
because we will be creating an EcoVillage Vision Board which will become the springboard for our mission statement.
Please come to the next meeting prepared. We need *everyone’s* energy to manifest our dreams.