Register for the After-Party on June 5!
Passionate about Sustainability and Community?
So are we, and the folks at the Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center (IYCC) share our interest in creating a better life for everyone.
Join us this Saturday to learn about the latest in developing sustainable cohousing with Architect Lynn Gaffney, and find out more about the intersection of yoga, community, and sustainability.
“Helping You Bring Neighborhoods Home”
Lynn Gaffney (Cohousing Opportunities Group)
Saturday, May 18,
2:30 – 6:30 pm
2:30-3:30: Potluck
3:30-5: Presentation
5-6:30: Organizing Meeting
Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center
Princeton Shopping Center, 301 N. Harrison Street, Bldg A ~ Suite 1E, Princeton, NJ
Need a ride, or willing to offer one?
Can’t make it in person? Join us on Zoom after 3:30 p.m.
Community & Sustainability are at the heart of Ecovillage New Jersey
We’re meeting this Saturday from 2:30-6:30 pm (note this special time) at the Princeton Integral Yoga Community Center, which is committed to the same core values. In an exciting new development, they are welcoming us to use their Center as a place to convene, and we’re exploring what that looks like!
Over the years, the IYCC has had a significant number of people who were serious about cohousing. They have promoted Saturday’s event to their members, as well as to the press, and a number of their people have RSVP’d.
We’ve set the stage for a game-changing Meetup! We need you to be there this Saturday afternoon, and here’s what you’ll experience:
- At 2:30 pm, Ecovillage NJ will enjoy our traditional potluck (please note the time)
- At 3:30, Lynn Gaffney, our local cohousing architect, will speak on why Cohousing is growing in popularity across the U.S. and the 500 Communities movement that she’s a part of, led by Katie McCamant, the renowned cohousing developer.
- From 5-6:30 pm we’ll enroll our guests from the Yoga Center and the public to join us for an organizational meeting where we’ll make final plans for our Cohousing Workshop: Making it Happen! and the Afterparty on June 5.
There are only
4 3 tickets left for the workshop, so if you were planning to attend, please register, ASAP! Or, register for the Afterparty that evening. Chuck Durrett, who has been involved with building 50+ cohousing communities, is leading the workshop, a not-to-be-missed opportunity!
Let’s all come out to support this renewed effort for cohousing and ecovillage communities in our region.